Heritage for the Blind's mission is multi-faceted. It includes the preservation of vision, through the promotion of eye health awareness with public service announcements, media campaigns, counseling and materials for the visually impaired.
We encourage people to donate their cars in an effort to promote the auto recycling clean air project. The program is dedicated to accelerating the retirement of older, higher polluting vehicles and to promoting a shift to new, cleaner and more efficient alternatives.
We distribute, free of charge, an array of English language books in large print, on CD, MP3 and cassettes. We offer novels, suspense, humor, self-help, as well as consumer related publications to assist the visually impaired in getting answers to questions about consumer problems and government services.
We have also expanded services to provide mini libraries for the visually impaired residing in adult nursing facilities throughout the United States.
The organization has also developed an in-house Microsoft windows optimization tool DVD to help the visually impaired easily make their computers visually impaired friendly. Features include speech recognition, magnifier, on-screen keyboard, narrator and visual notifications.
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Heritage for the Blind
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